What We Do
Our mission is to conserve and restore the antelope-brush ecosystem in the South Okanagan and through education increase knowledge, respect and active concern for ecosystems worldwide.
Osoyoos Desert Centre stewards 67 acres of endangered Antelope-brush shrubb-steppe and promotes conservation through our on-going programs and activities.
The antelope-brush ecosystem is one of Canada’s rarest and most endangered habitats. Less than 9% of this unique ecosystem remains relatively undisturbed.
Osoyoos Desert Centre has been working on a number of research projects focusing on seed mixes using native species. These seed mixes have many applications.
Education is central to the mission of the Osoyoos Desert Centre and an integral part of its habitat conservation and restoration efforts.
Osoyoos Desert Centre offers educational tours for school groups. Tours are led by a trained, interpretive guide and topics are tailored to meet curriculum objectives.
Throughout the year, Osoyoos Desert Centre offers a variety of outreach programs, including our Movie & an Expert programs, community lectures and hands-on workshops.